4 How to install a new template using the HTML code

The Blogger templates offered here are now available in either XML or "template code" format in the Templates section of this site. To learn how to install the XML templates, take a look at this tutorial which explains the process in detail. For those who prefer to copy and paste the code for new templates, here are some tips to help make the process easier.

The template code for each template can be found on the download page in the "templates" section of this site inside a scrolling "iframe" section. To use this, you will need to paste the entire section of code into the Edit HTML section in your Blogger dashboard, instead of the code which is currently there.

Often readers contact me because they have experienced errors when installing new templates in this way. Usually such errors are caused because a part of the template code has been left out when copying, or because a part of the old template still remains.

The method I use to install the HTML code for new templates prevents the dreaded "your template could not be parsed" error code from appearing by ensuring all of the new template code is copied, and none of the old template remains in the Edit HTML window when the new template is installed. This method uses keyboard shortcuts, which simplifies the process, and is also much faster than other methods too!

How I install template code

  1. Fisrt, make a backup of your existing template in case you decide to revert back to this later on.

  2. When you have decided on the template you would like to install, put your cursor inside the scrolling iframe box which contains the template code (it doesn't matter where, as long as it's inside this box!). Then hold CTRL (or CMD for Mac users) and press A. This should highlight all of the text within the scrolling box. Then while this text is highlighted, key CTRL/CMD + C, which will copy all of the highlighted text to your cliploard

  3. Next, go to Template>Edit HTML in your blogger dashboard. Check the "expand widget templates box" and again, place your cursor inside the box containing your template code.

  4. Once again, key CTRL/CMD + A to highlight all of the text within this box. Then key CTRL/CMD + V. This function will paste the new template from your clipboard over the existing template, which ensures the old template is completely removed.

  5. You can now preview your new template to ensure you like the new appearance before saving it. Using this method, if you decide you don't like the new template, you can simply click the "clear edits" button, and your old template will still be in place.

I hope this method works well for you too. It certainly is worth giving this a try if you have experienced error messages when trying to paste the html code for a new template.

Please feel free to leave your comments and opinions below.

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March 27, 2009 at 10:20 AM Amira said...

i have copied and pasted the whole html text but it doesn't change anything... it's still the same lame blogger blablabla. since i will not go back to this site, comment your answer to my blog if you don't mind thanks

April 21, 2009 at 4:19 AM
Anonymous said...


June 10, 2009 at 9:26 AM The Founder said...

muaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i can have it

June 21, 2009 at 6:48 AM
Anonymous said...

Amanda, thank you for posting these beautiful free templates and for explaining how to do it so clearly. (And I think you're a saint not to reply in a negative way to the silly newbies who can't be bothered to read the answer to their question right up at the top of the page.)

good work, and thanks again

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