1 "Cool Blue" Web 2.0 style template available for download
Monday, October 22, 2007 /

Here is a pale blue version of the recent Web 2.0 style templates I have created. This version is called "Cool Blue" and features muted blue tones for an eye-pleasing theme suitable for many types of blog. This template also includes many advanced features, such as the three footer columns and calendar widget. You can see the screenshot to the right (click for full-sized preview), or read on for further details and download information.

As the title suggests, this template has a pale blue theme. It features a clean and simple layout, and very few images. Combined with a small javascript, this ensures the blog loads very quickly, and is able to deliver powerful new features which are not available in other templates I have created.

These features include:

  • Fast page loading time

  • Themed favicon already in place (see top left of the address bar)

  • Integrated blog search form

  • Web 2.0 style logo

  • Navigation bar (which can be customized to suit your needs)

  • Calendar widget

  • Unique wide sidebar layout, featuring a combination of wide and dual narrow columns

  • Three widgets available in the footer section

  • Unique post footer sections, which include a "What next" section for email post links, social bookmarking and "add a comment"

  • Related posts section also in post footer, to link to posts of the same label

  • Author comment highlighting on post pages

  • Rounded corners achieved by CSS instead of images

Plus a few other features too!

You can see the template in action on the Cool Blue Web 2.0 Template demonstration blog. Please do take a look at the post pages to see how the post footer sections work too.

Download this template

You can either download the full zip file for this template, which includes the XML template, plus all images and a help file, or copy and paste the code further down this page into the "edit HTML" section of your Blogger dashboard.

Download Cool Blue Web 2.0 Template (Zip folder)

This download contains the XML file for you to upload to your blog, plus a help file and all images that are used in the template.

Template code to copy and paste into the Edit HTML section of your Blogger dashboard:

All images for this template are hosted by Blogger Buster, though if you prefer to have control over these images you can upload these to your own image host and edit the template accordingly.

How to set up this template

This template will work without much modification, though there are two things you may want to change:

  • The calendar widget
    This widget parses your date header to display the calendar icon. To ensure this works properly, you will need to change the settings for your date-header format in the Settings>Formatting section of your Blogger dashboard. The date header needs to be in yyyy-mm-dd format, like the example below:

    It is only necessary to change this one setting, then everything else in this template should work just fine!

  • The navigation bar
    This is set up to feature links to your blog's home page (Home), an "about" page (About) and a contact page or link (Contact). In the default installation, I have been able to set up the "Home" link which points to your blog's front page. However, you will need to set up links to your About and Contact pages manually. You can also choose to change these links or add more links as required.

    The navigation bar is highlighted with comments in the template, and looks like this:
    <!-- This is the navbar section which you can edit to include your own links -->

    <div style='height: 40px; padding: 10px 0 0 0; margin: 3px 0 0 0;'>

    <!-- Home Page Link -->

    <a class='nav-section' expr:href='data:blog.url' style='color: #fff; text-decoration: none;'>Home</a>

    <!-- About link add your link here -->

    <a class='nav-section' href='#' style='color: #fff; text-decoration: none;'>About</a>

    <!-- Contact link add your link here -->

    <a class='nav-section' href='#' style='color: #fff; text-decoration: none;'>Contact</a></div>

    <!-- End navbar section -->

    Simply change the "#" for the links to point to your own posts/web pages, or copy the link style to create new links instead.

Using this template

This template is free to use, and you may customize the template in any way you wish. However, I do ask that the author details remain in the template itself, and that you do not redistribute this template without a link back to Blogger Buster. A link back to Blogger Buster is always appreciated!


February 14, 2009 at 8:35 AM
Ehmma said...

Hi, I've just started a new blogger blog. I already made one post with blogger template. I want to change it with your cool blue web. But everytime I upload the code or paste it on my edit html, then save the template,there's always this message of "Please confirm that the following widgets should be deleted. All the widgets' configuration data will be lost.

* BlogArchive2
* AdSense1
then when I click the confirm button. It always shows this message of unable to complete the request and have this code bX-bliced. Can you tell me my error?

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