15 Recent Posts with Thumbnails Widget by Engadgeteer
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 /

Tony from Engadgeteer has sent news of a great new widget developed for Blogger users: a recent posts widget which includes thumbnails from your posts.

Here is a preview of how the gadget would appear in your blog (based on recent posts from Blogger Buster):

The gadget is very easy to install in your blog: simply visit the widget generator page and edit the settings as required. You can preview your feed and then add it to your blog sidebar using the "Add to Blogger" button on the top right of the page.

Thanks Tony for letting me know about this widget!


July 21, 2009 at 4:30 AM DarkUFO said...

Where does it pull the images from? I'm not getting any images?

July 21, 2009 at 4:58 AM 9uy said...

That's great i'll be checking this out. For a long time I was searching for "popular post" widget to show the most commented posts in my blog. Unfortunately I couldn't find that is working. The ones that use yahoo pipes are no longer active. Any idea of any blogger widget that works?

My deadly truths

July 21, 2009 at 5:26 AM Aneesh said...

@Amanda Have a look at my recent posts gadget with thumbnails.I made this one for the blogger gadget directory and have submitted it there.. :)

The widgets available till now uses the actual full sized images.So it will take time to load. I have used the media thumbnails from the blogger feed. It is of 75X75 px resolution and so the size and the loading time would be very less..
You can find it on the gadget directory by searching for blogger widgets over there.

or check out my post

July 21, 2009 at 5:35 AM Amanda said...

Aneesh, that's excellent! I made a "thumbnails only" gadget for a project I'm working on, but that is very basic compared to this ;) Thank you for letting me know - I'm writing a post now and will include details of your gadget ASAP.

Also, let me know of any more you create. I'm creating a directory of gadgets (which will include any I'm aware of, not just those which are featured by Blogger) which should be online by tomorrow.

July 21, 2009 at 6:59 AM Aneesh said...

@Amanda , thanks a lot.. i will surely let you know..

actually your gadgets were my inspiration.. i learnt the api from that.. :)

and btw i have some doubts.. can we update the gadget code?

and how can we host the gadgets on http://gadgetsforblogger.googlecode.com/
Will i be able to move the current scripts to there without affecting the gadget?
i know its a lot of questions.. :) I too was planning to create a developer community like thing.. + a forum like setup so that everyone would be able to discuss about the gadgets..


July 21, 2009 at 9:18 AM bryandel said...

Hi Amanda, Thanks for featuring our widget. By the way, I'm bryan a collegaue of Tony. I'm actually the one developing the widget.

@DarkUFO, the images are pulled from your rss

@Anterpreet, the widget that you are talking about uses purely javascript. Ours uses php to parse feeds. The speed vary depending in your internet connection and computer specification.

@Aneesh, Just like what I have commented in your blog, this widget is designed not just for Blogger but also for other blogging site such as wordpress.

Tomorrow, I'll implement my update concerning the thumbnail issue. And probably I'll add animation to this widget.

If you have suggestions or problems with this widget please don't hesitate to ask. And if you have uniques for a widget or anything that involves programming just send me a message.

July 21, 2009 at 10:10 AM Soufiane LeBlogger said...

I use the same Recent Posts with Thumbnails but it's more simple and there's no Ads:

July 21, 2009 at 10:17 AM Aneesh said...

@bryandel your widget is really cool.. it takes up any feed and generates a unique javascript each time..and the installation interface is really gr8..

July 21, 2009 at 11:06 AM bryandel said...

@DarkUFO, thanks for pointing that out. I've fixed the issue. If you still encounter problems just let me know.

@LeBlogger, I made this for engadgeteer.com and decided to share it to everyone. We are not forcing anyone to use our widget.

@Aneesh, yup that's the idea. It's because tony is using Blogger and I'm using wordpress.

July 26, 2009 at 12:29 PM teratips said...

great news and post, thanks

July 30, 2009 at 8:01 PM Setiawan Tirta Wijaya said...

I've used this gadget. Thx BloggerBuster...


July 31, 2009 at 6:25 PM
Anonymous said...

You can see an absolutely amazing site about a mathematics genius at http://mymathgenius.blogspot.com/ it's really neat!

July 31, 2009 at 6:26 PM Mr.Mathematic said...

you can click it http://mymathgenius.blogspot.com/

August 4, 2009 at 7:35 AM Gadget said...

Hi! Amanda

I like it is very useful to me.

Thanks a lot.

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