22 Housekeeping - Updates, Issues and Forthcoming Features
Thursday, July 2, 2009 /

I realize my posts have been rather scarce lately, mostly because I've been so busy with work and other commitments which have left me so little time to write posts for this blog.

So let me explain what's happening with Blogger Buster at the moment, along with a few hints about what you can expect in the forthcoming weeks.

Problems with my file hosts

Many of you have reported problems downloading templates and other files which are hosted on http://bloggerbuster.com.

This is because my hosting service has been completely overpowered by the sheer number of requests for files and has been temporarily suspended. I need to transfer all of my files over to a new (enhanced) hosting account which can cope with this level of bandwidth, but I'm afraid it's taking a little longer than expected due to some issues I'm having with FTP.

I may well need to move all these files to a completely different location, and if so, I will of course update with the new URLs you'll need to download these files. My main concern is to find a reliable file host for all our file-hosting needs, and which won't impact too much on the running of this site. Please bear with me while I make new arrangements for these files.

What I'm working on now

There have been several developments for Blogger (and perhaps more planned for coming months), so as you may imagine I've been working on these developments to create useful resources and tutorials for you all.

In particular, I've been learning a lot about the Gadget API for Blogger. This enables us to create interesting, useful and interactive gadgets for Blogger using a system which (I feel) is a great improvement to using widget installers.

I've created a few Gadgets for Blogger now which I'll post about over the coming days (though you may already be able to find some if you search for "Blogger Buster" when adding a gadget to your layout).

Update #1

I've just managed to get a new laptop, and have spent the past few days transferring over my files and settings. Finally, all is fixed so I'll have a new post (or two) up this weekend :)

Blogger is still looking for web designers and artists!

A couple of weeks ago, the Blogger team tweeted a request for web designers and artists who are interested in designing templates for Blogger.com.

If you're a web/blog designer or artist, this is something you may well want to check out. You can find out more and register your interest in participating on this page.

Requests for tutorials and gadgets

If you have any particular requests for tutorials or Blogger gadgets, please let me know about these by leaving your suggestions in the comments.

While I can't promise to fulfil every request, I'll try to do the most popular ones over the coming weeks.

There's so much happening at the moment and many more updates in progress which I really look forward to showing you in the future.

Thank you all for visiting, subscribing and sticking around!


July 2, 2009 at 7:39 AM dede said...

Hi, Thank for sharing info with us.

So far, I am following you for new post update


July 2, 2009 at 11:36 AM Swagat said...

hi, iam planning to create a new blog, and i would be really helpful if i can get some help..
thanks in advance

July 2, 2009 at 12:58 PM teratips said...

Hi Savvy i read you and i have a solution for you, i have my blog about Money, and tips for beginners you should check it, I hope it'll help you through this platform

July 3, 2009 at 2:07 AM seo services said...

Wow. Blogger is looking for new designers. I wish I know how to design. hehehhe

July 3, 2009 at 2:27 AM Achmadvm said...

Hii Thanks,Just Say hello from ecomputex

July 3, 2009 at 6:30 AM Gena said...

I truly understand about not having enough time in the day to do all that you want and need to do.

I'm still working my way through your helpful guide. Truly hope Blogger is working on new templates or give folks an easier way to modify existing ones.

I don't need widgets and gadgets as much as I need blog template design flexibility. Hang in there and honor the nap time when you can get it.

July 3, 2009 at 10:04 AM rudy azhar said...

It doesnot matter Amanda, i understand....

July 3, 2009 at 11:46 AM TwiHouse/ Alan said...

Good to see you coming back.

"How to create a landing page with blogger".

That's my request for next tutorial

July 3, 2009 at 11:49 AM teratips said...

thank you very much , i also following you surely

July 3, 2009 at 1:35 PM Kenneth Lemus said...

Thanks Amanda for making me aware that blogger is looking for designers. I have just submitted my application and hope to get a response soon :)

If you guys do not know who I am, My name is Kenneth Lemus and I run the design blog http://www.zixpk.com/ which is run on the amazing blogger platform. I also have some free blogger templates that you guys are free to use :)

July 3, 2009 at 3:21 PM ebisys said...

just great to see you up..please can anyone have a look at my site and tell me what i need to put in place. Suggestions and criticisms are welcome.

July 4, 2009 at 1:24 AM SVBillabong said...


I found your gadgets and checked them out.. thanks for the work.

FYI the Picasa photostream is NOT really the latest photo as stated "Display thumbnails of your most recent Picasa photos" and it's NOT your fault!!

Yes one would THINK that the API would return the latest N photos (as stated) but there has been an extremely annoying BUG in the code AND documentation for well over a YEAR.
see http://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=280.

It's pretty sad really, because it would be a great gadget!!

July 4, 2009 at 7:10 PM Teddy Rose said...

Thanks for the update. If possible I would love a good example / descriptin of a meta description and meta tags. Also, where to actually put them.

July 4, 2009 at 7:46 PM Aneesh said...

Just compress the files on your host and use ssh to download it onto your new host.. It will just take minutes.. Btw i do recommend you to use host gator.. They provide unlimited bandwidth for $120 per year

July 5, 2009 at 6:12 AM Susie Jefferson said...

What would be wonderful would be some kind of gadget that stops all those blasted music players from activating the second you visit a blog.

Not only do I NOT want the sound blasting out and frightening me (although I now try to turn the sound off all the time) I find it really frustrating to have the screen hang for up to 5 minutes at a time while the playlists load up. I have 8meg speed on broadband too! I use Firefox, and not only does the screen hang, but I can't even delete the blog in question.

I don't suppose there is any downloadable playlist out there that doesn't start unless you TELL it to? Just stays quiet unless you choose to hear the music?

July 6, 2009 at 12:01 AM Blogger Make Money said...

I absolutely accept about not accepting abundant time in the day to do all that you wish and charge to do.

I'm still alive my way through your accessible guide. Absolutely achievement Blogger is alive on new templates or accord association an easier way to adapt absolute ones.

I don't charge widgets and accessories as abundant as I charge blog arrangement architecture flexibility. Hang in there and account the nap time if you can get it.

July 6, 2009 at 11:54 AM Penjual Uang Lama said...

You've been doing a great works, Amanda. :D

July 7, 2009 at 8:46 AM Gagan said...

thanks for the share !

July 8, 2009 at 6:18 AM Ashe said...

Hey Amanda, Thanks for all the great work you do with Blogger Buster. I'd like to request a possible tutorial when you get the chance. If you've already covered this, I apologize and hopefully I'll find the tutorial eventually.

Some of the Blogger templates that are out there now do not have a header section (for example the two different Dots templates offered by Blogger). Could you offer a tutorial for how to correctly add a header section to a template, and also how to create a top navigational bar similar to the one you have created for Blogger Buster?

Thanks so much.

July 13, 2009 at 11:55 AM
Natalie said...

I would like to know how to make and link buttons to my blog.

Like the ones that people can copy and paste on their blog that will link back to my blog : )

July 22, 2009 at 7:05 AM
helen said...

nice...hope u keep this blog up, it one of my favs

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