32 Adsense integration now easier than ever with Blogger's Monetize tab
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 /

Have you noticed the new "Monetize" tab at the top of your Blogger dashboard?

This new section of our Blogger dashboards makes it easier than ever to integrate Google Adsense in our blogs and see just how much our blogs are earning.

Google's Adsense program is a simple solution which many Bloggers use to monetize their sites. For some time now, Blogger have made it easy for us to include Adsense ads in the sidebar (as a page element) and around blog posts (as an option in the Layout>Page Elements section, when you click the "Edit" link for your blog posts). 

If you have already configured Adsense in your blog by adding an Adsense page element to the layout, or enabling ads between posts, by clicking on the Monetize tab you will be able to see statistics for your earnings, like this:

On this page, there are also links to view your Adsense Payment History, earnings reports and to switch the account associated with this particular blog. You can also choose to "remove ads" from all aspects of your Blogger layout at the click of a button.

For those who have not yet chosen to monetize their sites with Adsense, or who have configured Adsense manually in their templates, you will see a page like this instead:

This means that your Adsense account has not been associated with this blog. No earnings reports will be displayed, even if - like me - you have manually configured Adsense by adding the required JavaScript to your Blogger template code.

For those of you yet to add Adsense to your layout, simply choose one of the ad-layout options most suitable for your needs anc click the "Next" button. You may be required to set up an Adsense account (or associate an existing account with your Blogger profile), after which your ads will be immediately placed in your layout. Then when you visit the Monetize tab, you will be able to see details of your Adsense earnings for the ads you have placed in your layout.

What you need to know about Adsense monetization and the new Monetize tab

Although Blogger have made it very easy for members to add Adsense to their blogs, not every applicant will be successful in getting their own Adsense account.

Adsense reviews all applicants to the program before agreeing to (or denying) a new account. In order to apply for an Adsense account, you must be over 18 years old and have a website which complies with Adsense policies. If you post any questionable content on your site, you really should check these policies to ensure your site complies before submitting your application.

Also, the reports displayed on the Monetize tab will only show page views and earnings from the time that you connected your Adsense account with this blog. If you have previously linked your Adsense account with your Blogger profile, it seems the "All Time" earnings will display earnings from today onwards (one of my blogs uses an Adsense Page Element, but is only displaying earnings from today).

A new channel in your Adsense account for each Blogger blog you monetize

If you log into your Adsense account, you will notice a new channel has been set up for each of your blogs, which contains the URL of your blog in the title.

The information from this channel is what's used to present the earnings data for the Monetize section of each blog you write.

Not yet an ideal solution for everyone...

I am very happy to see that the Blogger team have put such effort towards integrating all of the Google services we Bloggers currently use. However, I am a little disappointed at some aspects of this new feature.

For my own blogs, I have added Adsense manually, by editing the Blogger template and inserting ad codes where I would like them to be displayed. For this reason, I am unable to see any reports on the Monetize tab. In fact, it appears as though I have not set Adsense up at all.

Also, the earnings displayed on the Monetize page will only include the earnings for this particular blog, not your total earnings from any different sites operated.

However, these are small issues, and perhaps these issues will not affect most other Blogger users.

What do you think?

Will this new "Monetize" dashboard feature make it easier for you to connect your Adsense account with your blogs? How well do you think this feature performs so far?

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below.


April 15, 2009 at 9:52 AM Switcher said...

The only thing, is they don't allow you to edit the look of the ads, in blogger.

I tried it, it defaults to a standard (boring) Adsense look. I also deleted the ads, I'll stick with the real Adsense site. :)

April 15, 2009 at 9:55 AM Switcher said...

A funny thing, after I deleted the Blogger Adsense Ad from my Blogger Blog, 2 days later I'm still getting hits, I checked my blog often, the Ads don't exist. :]

April 15, 2009 at 10:53 AM Rick Klau said...

@Amanda - Great write-up, as always thanks for helping your readers understand what we're up to!

Couple responses: you're right, for blogs who are manually managing ads this flow doesn't really work well. (You could work around it by adding ads, then linking to your existing AdSense account, then removing the gadgets on your Layout page - but that's a hack.) We're adding in an option to simply link the Monetize tab to your existing AdSense account - stay tuned for an update when that will get pushed out.

We made a conscious decision to limit the earnings info for the specific blog (as opposed to all earnings for the entire pubID) - the AdSense front end is still the place to go for advanced reporting, but hopefully this makes it easy to at least get a snapshot of how the blog is performing.

April 15, 2009 at 10:53 AM Amanda said...

@Switcher: I forgot to mention about the layout of the ads in my article. Yes, the default ads are ugly (and they appear in the first available Page Elements spot in the layout, even if this in the header!). But we can change them in the Page Elements section. Just click on the "Edit" link for the adsense unit.

Also, the reason you are still getting "clicks" is because Blogger automatically adds a URL channel in your Adsense dashboard - not to be mistaken with the regular "Custom" channels. So the clicks you see may be from other adsense units which you have added yourself, rather than those added as Page Elements.

I just figured that one out, and am hoping that I'll be able to utilize this URL channel for Blogger Buster to enable me to see stats for my ads without having to add as page elements. I'll update once I know for sure.

Thanks for pointing these issues out Switcher!

April 15, 2009 at 12:35 PM suryaden said...

great tips, and adsense i thinks so difficult to aply, but more optimizing in blogger i think is a great issue...

April 15, 2009 at 3:37 PM James M. Fisher said...

Amanda, ever since I switched to the Blue-Steel template, I cannot put Adsense ads after posts, even though I have set them up that way in blogger. I can use the Adsense Widget with no problems. Any suggestions? I tried Googling for an answer, but could not find one. Thanks!

April 15, 2009 at 5:15 PM kako-da said...

I'm still using old good method. Manually !

April 15, 2009 at 5:51 PM Alek Tomanov said...

I noticed that if the blog is with a own web address, I mean without blogspot.com, the Monetize tab is not shown either!
Good work. And I saw at the bottom that you were nominated for BEST blog for blogging. I wish you lot's of luck Amanda!

Anyway I use some Adsense too, on my blog. www.atomanov..com
One of it is with the normal blogger adsense widget but the other one I had to put by myself, very strange! :)

April 15, 2009 at 6:40 PM Dea Nadya said...

thanks for this information

April 16, 2009 at 8:14 AM Helen Tilbury said...

You are providing invaluable information & I can't live without it, thank you! P.S. I love Blogger!

April 16, 2009 at 7:50 PM UPrinting Reviews | Online Printing said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Very informative, definitely learned something new today. Keep up the excellent work!

April 17, 2009 at 8:58 AM Alvaris Falcon said...

Totally agree with you, Amanda. This Monetize feature has still more improvement to go (just like my english, lol).

Thanks for the professional and detailed sharing!

May 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM Dwi said...

thank for information

May 5, 2009 at 4:07 PM العاب شمس said...

Adense in blogger , this is nice idea from google, thanks for this informations.

May 13, 2009 at 8:42 AM richard beck said...

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May 13, 2009 at 8:43 AM richard beck said...

hello everyone, I just submmited in this website, its cool here you can make money easy by hosting videos , any doubt can check in the flash pie, the web is www.vismomedia.com

June 1, 2009 at 7:01 AM Riza said...

Great job, thanks for sharing this with us! One thing I have struggled with is where to show ads on blogs.

If you show too many ads, you turn off users. If you show too few, then you don't make anything.

To solve this problem, I'm working on a new product I'm calling Empty Space Ads which is a way to show ads to users in white places on blogs and other sites.

I'm a small developer, so I'm looking for beta users to try it out and give me feedback. I'm pretty excited about this, because the users who have used it tell me that it helped them out but of course I need more users :)

Anyway, if you're interested, feel free to sign up for a beta on http://www.emptyspaceads.com/beta

June 1, 2009 at 7:03 AM Riza said...

Great job, thanks for sharing this with us! One thing I have struggled with is where to show ads on blogs. If you show too many ads, you turn off users. If you show too few, then you don't make anything.

To solve this problem, I'm working on a new product I'm calling Empty Space Ads which is a way to show ads to users in white places on blogs and other sites.

I'm a small developer, so I'm looking for beta users to try it out and give me feedback. I'm pretty excited about this, because the users who have used it tell me that it helped them out but of course I need more users :)

Anyway, if you're interested, feel free to sign up for a beta on http://www.emptyspaceads.com/beta

June 5, 2009 at 12:17 AM Red Gear said...

I have two blogs. Why is my first blog got monitize tab but my other new blog is not?

June 13, 2009 at 2:12 AM shazat said...

I clicked the monetize tab to apply for addsense and this is the reply:-

"The existing Addsense account at zimanazman@gmail.com has been disable."

I was puzzled as I don't know the reason for that. Any idea?

June 22, 2009 at 1:26 AM TOPNews said...

after to try with adsense & site languange is not approved it..
hw abou if my firt site hv banned?
can i use it again manda?
was my email adress have to change?

th u v much

June 24, 2009 at 3:50 AM mirela said...

Rahul,Google dont accept another advertisments area if u have adsense there.Sorry for my english,im romanian:).Anyway try to send an email to Google adsnse team.

July 11, 2009 at 9:17 AM aLeXtheOne said...

I have a problem if anyone can help me....
I've put adsense on my blog and it worked fine but I discovered a few hours ago that on specific tab in my blog the two adsense colums dissapeared... They were there a few days ago but now I doont know why they dissapeared... I had a simmilar problem in wichone single colum dissapeared but it dissapeared from all th tabs... In this case it only dissapeared in the photos tab... The first time I corrected the problem by deleting and reposting tha last post but now it doesnt work anymore... I deleted several posts and its not working...pls help me!!! my blo is --> www.4mileyfans.blogspot.con

July 11, 2009 at 9:28 AM aLeXtheOne said...

In my blog the adsense colums doesn't appear on one tab (on the others they still appear) :(( they does before a few days.. I dont no why... PLS help! my blog is www.4mileyfans.blogspot.con

July 27, 2009 at 3:18 PM
Anonymous said...

Are you a BIG LIAR???

I Have made Blogger Account about 12 posting...

And Monetize Tab isn't appear...

What is the problem?

August 24, 2009 at 4:49 AM shvtrix said...

the features are great ,atleast for present,now need to manually set up ads.and would like to know more about these channels

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