This version of the Flickr Photostream is a static widget designed to display thumbnails of your most recent Flickr uploads, and can be added quickly to your Blogger layout using a one-click installer. It's an ideal solution of you prefer a simpler method to display your Flickr photos which does not slow down page-loading time. You can see an example of how this widget could appear below:
To add this widget to your Blogger blog, you will need to have your Flickr user or group ID which may look something like this:
The simplest way you get your Flickr ID is to use idGettr (opens in a new window), where you paste the URL of your Flickr Photostream in the box so idGettr can discover your ID for you.
Once you have your Flickr ID you can use the form below to add your own simple Flickr Photostream widget to your Blogger blog:
I hope you enjoy using this widget for your Blogger blogs! Please feel free to leave your comments below.
Image credit: Flickr badge by Poolie via Flickr Creative Commons.
Thanks amanda
I'll try it to put direct on my template :)
i will post it on my blog
Thanks amanda ,,,
Excellent tool, thanks Amanda so much
Thanks Amanda! ^_^
thanks amanda
Cool Amanda, thanks for sharing! :D
Haha I was wondering if you could publish this wonderful post earlier, as I surfed aggressively on the internet days before, just to find the exactly same tutorial to install Flickr widget into Water Color Blogger template!
thanks for the posting...
thanks for information........
Who knew it was that simple? Well, it wasn't that simple or it would not have stumped me for so long. Duh. Thanks.
Now if I could just get one of the animated clouds to work, I would be dancing in the streets.
Thanks Amanda! Worked great for me in my sidebar - I was even able to modify the code to fit my template.
Thanks Amanda!
is it too soon to say....I love it?! going to have lots of fun with this Amanda- You Rock!
I've done this before, I posted similar article: <li></li>
But you can achieve widget without the link ( which is below the thumbnails.
First Copy this CSS:
.flickr_badge_image { float: left; }
#flickr_badge_wrapper { width: auto; border: 1px; }
#flickr_badge_uber_wrapper { width: auto; }
Then, add this Javascript:
<script src=" ID" type="text/javascript"></script>
These codes are tested that works on Blogger and Wordpress account.
This is a better option to the Slideshow gadget in Blogger. Neat. Thanks for the tip!
(P.S.: I have linked you in a post of mine.)
thank you it was vvvvvvvvvvvvvery usefull
thanks sooo much! i tried to figure out where to put the badge code for hours! great gadget!
I love this widget! It works with Picasa too :). Of course it doesn't show all your photos, because it can't- it looks like it's the first 20 photos- at least on using it with Picasa.
hi there, i dont suppose this widget is possible anywhere on the net for use on personal websites not just blogger?
hi there, does anyone know if this widget is avilable anywhere on the net for use on personal websites not just for blogger?
thanks for this information Amanda.
Thank you SOOOOO much this works fantastic!
Do you know if there's anything like this available for stuff?
thanks, this was super helpful!
i had a question, this widget was using user as a source, how to change to a group? did i have to change groups&groups=groupid ???
Hi Amanda,
Thank you for this great widget. My only question is how do I center it in my sidebar? I tried tweaking the code but couldn't get it right. I'd appreciate your help.
Hi, thanks for the instructions. For some reason mines isn't meshing with my blog. I'm not sure if there is something in my coding blocking it or if i'm doing something wong. I tried several times but the only thing that appears where it's supposed to be streaming is the flickr url. Could you help me with this? Thanks
Thanks for the helpful tip Amanda
For some reason the streaming isn't working on my blog. I'm not sure if there is something in my html code that is blocking it or if I followed the directions incorrectly but the only thing that appears in the area where it is supposed to be streaming is the flickr url. Can you help me with this? Thanks.
I used this and now my Layout tab is broken. I removed the widget but how do I fix my layout tab? It only displays a small portion of my layout. Help!
thanks for the tips.. It works.. :)
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