9 Import blogs from another service to Blogger with the Google Blog Converters Project
Friday, January 9, 2009 /

A few months back, Blogger announced the ability to import and export Blogger hosted blogs. At the time, it was not possible to import blogs from any other service to Blogger, which left many of us a little disappointed though wondering when this service could be made available.

Well it seems there is hope that Blogger can make such a service available through our Blogger dashboards soon enough! Today the Google Code blog announced the Google Blog Converters project: an open source project which aims to make available the ability to import/export feeds from many different blog platforms:

This new Open Source project provides the ability to easily move blog posts and comments from service to service. This initial release provides Python libraries and runnable scripts that convert between the export formats of Blogger, LiveJournal, MovableType, and WordPress.

In addition, the source code includes templates for hosting these conversions on Google App Engine. Future additions to the project will include support for BlogML and synchronization tools between various services that do not provide a import/export feature but do provide APIs for accessing and modifying blog contents.

At present, the scripts provided by the Blog Converters Project are not so user friendly for those unfamiliar with scripting languages (though I hope those of you fluent in Python or familiar with the Google App engine may be able to make significantly more progress than I have!).

Instead, you may be better advised to check out these existing online projects if you need to convert a blog from another host over to your Blogger blog:

I look forward to seeing how this progresses and hope we can expect to see an official Blogger application in the near future enabling us to import directly from our Blogger dashboards!

Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions about this project below.


January 31, 2009 at 4:02 PM
Anonymous said...

alright...i've followed the instructions in wordpress2blogger down to a T, and then when i imported the converted blogger xml file, i got this message: "sorry the import failed due to a server error. the code is bX-xxxx" (the xxxx changes every time). What do i do wrong? and will we EVER be able to import ANYthing to blogger? my email is mu99le@gmail.com. thanks!

February 5, 2009 at 10:02 AM Thewirds said...

Nice post amanda, i would like to try importing my wordpress blog to Blogger blogspot in case if there is any unwanted thing happen on my domain host. Thanks amanda

February 15, 2009 at 3:41 PM
Anonymous said...

If your file is larger then 1 meg, simply host the conversion program on another site. If you goto the blog conversion site on Google, there are all the files you need to run it yourself without the restriction. You just need to know what you are doing. ;)

April 8, 2009 at 1:07 PM steddy said...

Has anyone come across a way to import only comments? Scenario: I wrote a blogger blog on my own domain, via ftp for years before commenting was available through Blogger. Many of my old posts had comments via BlogKomm, which is a great script. But I'd like to be able to import them into my Blogger blog now that it's hosted on BlogSpot. Any thoughts?

April 10, 2009 at 4:24 AM abdillah said...

terima kasih amanda, waktu pertama kali import wordpress saya , gagal terus....tapi akhirnya berhasil juga setelah saya membaca artikel amanda ini,

terima kasih..

May 22, 2009 at 8:21 AM JaneBoHa said...

I love the way Google complains that you may have AdSense ads on your site and be in breach of their intellectual property. Google has been putting pages of my copyrighted book on sites for years now, 50% of the pages of a book I wrote are available through "Search this book" and I never ever gave Google permission to scan my book, or any portions of my book, let alone half of it, and make those pagess available online and for free. so they really protect their hide but don't care about - and even exploit - other people's intellectual property.

June 20, 2009 at 6:13 AM Peter said...

My favorite file hosting service is m9dia.com. Completely ad free, no waiting, no queues, no download limits and really fast. I also like badongo.

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