15 Issues with the embedded comment form?
Thursday, November 6, 2008 /

Yesterday a few readers emailed me to explain that there were issues with Blogger's embedded comment form.

The issue was that the "Comment as" drop down menu was empty, preventing readers from choosing an identity for their comments which in turn prevented comments from being left.

As yet, the Blogger team have not acknowledged this issue on the Known Issues (or any other blog), and as far as we can tell, the problem should now be resolved. It could have been a browser-related issue, or perhaps Blogger was making some improvements to the embedded comment form which caused this temporary glitch?

Software Testing Zone wrote about this issue in detail, and has since updated this post to explain that this issue appears to have been resolved. I personally did not experience any problems with the embedded comment form for any of the Blogger blogs I viewed over the past few days, but I am interested to learn more about this issue in case something similar happens in the future.

For anyone still experiencing this problem when reading Blogger powered blogs, try refreshing your browser (press F5 for most browsers, which completely refreshed the page), or clear cookies and temporary internet files to ensure you have a fresh version of the page.

If you were affected by issues with the embedded comment form, please do leave a comment below with some information, such as the browser you were using (Firefox, IE6/7, Safari), whether the blog was using a custom domain or a customized template, etc.

Thank you all for keeping me informed about any Blogger issues you are experiencing! Even though I am not officially affiliated to Blogger, I will do my best to help the Blogger community in any way I can.


February 7, 2009 at 11:15 AM Paul said...

I am using a Powerbook running Mac OS X 10.4.11 and Firefox 3.0.4.

I cannot comment in embedded Blogger forms using Firefox, I have to switch to Safari 3.2.1. In fact, to make this comment, I had to switch browser, as I could not comment in your blog.

The blog I mainly need to comment in is a collaborative blog for a private project (so I cannot give you the URL). However, it is hosted on blogspot, using a standard template. When I try to post a comment, the "Comment as:" dropdown only lists "Google account", but does not list my google account. When I press "Post Comment", I do not get asked to sign in to Blogger, instead the page reloads and the text of my comment disappears.

I also have a problem with the Navbar - I do not appear as signed in. So whatever the problem is, it appears to be ongoing.

February 16, 2009 at 12:26 AM traveling tourist said...

hey thanks for all the information it was very useful to me thanks again i will be back again for sure ! =)

February 25, 2009 at 3:36 PM Judith said...

I'm having a similar problem to atoztoa--but only on the earliest posts. At the bottom of the post you see the date, labels, Link to This Post, Create a Link, and Post a Comment, but nothing more, and no way to post a comment. The links to earlier posts are also munged, they say only Older Post and Earlier Post, and for those earliest posts they are indeed one to a page. Can you suggest what may be going wrong?

March 17, 2009 at 5:36 AM
Anonymous said...

This comment form at bloggerbuster works for Firefox 3.07 on Mac OSX 10.4, But I have no luck with Safari 2.03 or Mozilla 1.7.13. After adding Chitika ads my own embedded comment form in Firefox stopped working. Anyone found a cross browser solution for embedded comment form?

April 6, 2009 at 12:01 AM MTV Roadies said...

Another great post as always . you have written you are not officially connected to blogger but perhaps you have done more than even blogger for us bloggers

April 6, 2009 at 4:16 PM Tammie said...

I can't post a comment using the embedded comment box unless I switch to IE. Firefox does not give my google account as an option in the drop down menu. This is an ongoing issue it seems to me... no fix as of yet.

May 11, 2009 at 7:42 AM hip said...

i'm having the same problem with the embedded comments and can't post a comment on my own site although other bloggers can.

i'm using Firefox and a regular template with gadgets.

May 11, 2009 at 7:48 AM hip said...

i'm having the same problem with the embedded comments and can't post a comment on my own site although other bloggers can.

i'm using Firefox and a regular template with gadgets.

July 29, 2009 at 2:55 AM
Anonymous said...

I'm having a problem with my embedded comment. Whenever we reach to the part where we need to enter the anti-spam words, the comment box will be embedded UNDERNEATH the page links (older post, home, newer post)

Why is that? It's really frustrating! I had to revert back to either pop-up comments or the other choice.

July 29, 2009 at 9:17 PM Ranjith said...

I have a template which is edited, but for some strange reason, comments are not getting displayed, even after i have made sure that i have enabled them...

August 9, 2009 at 10:24 AM Avi Singh said...

Same problem here
Comments are not getting dislayed
Please help

August 31, 2009 at 10:05 AM scorpiogenius said...

Many of my readers have complained that their comments disappear after they press the publish button. The comments are not being delivered to my mailbox either.

I use a custom template and have edited the template. It is a recent phenomenon. Please help meeeeeeee... :(

August 31, 2009 at 11:18 AM Benjamin F said...

Hey i've got a strange issue with all Blogger's embedded comment form. On Firefox (different version, different computer), if i'm not connected to my google account, i can't make copy / paste in this form. It works fine with IE or when i'm connected. Do you know if other people have the same problem ?

Thanks for your advice ;)

September 7, 2009 at 8:50 AM Binchee said...

Hi, I have the same problem with the embedded comment form. I use Firefox and the Super Custom template. I've settled for using the pop-up comment form, but I noticed the comment's author's name will always be missing the first letter. If you want to see what I mean check out http://binchee.blogspot.com. I would really appreciate it if you could offer suggestions. Thanks!

September 7, 2009 at 12:54 PM Dennis said...

I decided to offer readers both: above the embedded comment form I offer my readers a link to the comment form. It's second-best off course, but I really hate the pop-up version: it's so ugly.
See: http://www.muziekvragen.nl. It's in Dutch but I guess you guys still know where to look. ;-)

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