39 How to make columns of equal height in Blogger
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 /

An issue of blog design is that CSS based layouts cannot produce columns of equal heights. For example, when designing a two or three column template, it is almost impossible to make the sidebar(s) stretch to the length of the main posts column. This is particularly noticeable when a background color (or image) is used for the sidebar which does not stretch to the length of the page.

This issue is also relevant for those who display their blog posts side-by-side on the home page. Posts which are of equal height would appear in a harmonious grid-like format which is more pleasant to the eyes, whereas posts of unequal length disrupt the grid-like pattern and can often cause disarray in the layout.

In this tutorial, I'll explain how to use JavaScript to ensure columns of your choosing (whether the sidebars and main column, or individual posts) appear at equal heights to ensure a pleasant and harmonious layout for your blog design.

The "Matching Columns Script" and how it works

In this tutorial, we will be using an adaptation of the "Matching Columns" JavaScript by Alejandro Gervasio. which was modified to work in FireFox by Stefan Mischook for Killersites.com. You can read the original article and even view a video explaining how this script works over at the Killersites blog.

This JavaScript matches the height of all columns which use a specific CSS "class". It finds the length of the longest columns which uses this class name, then creates extra CSS declarations to ensure all other columns using this class are lengthened to the same height.

For example, if we use the class of "column" for both the main posts section and sidebars in our blog template, the script will ensure that the main column and both sidebars appear of equal length when viewed in a web browser.

The original Matching Columns JavaScripts use external files which are linked to in the head section of the web-page. However, I have adapted this method for use in Blogger templates so we can use "inline" JavaScript, meaning we do not need to host a JavaScript file on an external host.

How to add the Matching Columns function to your Blogger layout

The first step to creating columns of matching height in your Blogger layout is to add the required JavaScript code to the head section of your template.

This is very simple! All you need to do is copy the following section of code and paste this just before the closing <head> tag in your Blogger template (it is quite long so be sure to copy the entire section of code to your clipboard!):

&lt;!-- Equal Columns JavaScript Start --&gt;

&lt;script type='text/javascript'&gt;


Enables columns to be of the same height for better blog designs.

Derived from a script by Alejandro Gervasio.

Modified to work in FireFox by Stefan Mischook for Killersites.com

Adapted for inline use with Blogger blogs by Amanda Fazani of BloggerBuster.com

How it works: just apply the CSS class of &#39;column&#39; to your pages&#39; main columns.


function matchColumns(classname){

     var divs,contDivs,maxHeight,divHeight,d;


     // get all &lt;div&gt; elements in the document



     // initialize maximum height value


     // iterate over all &lt;div&gt; elements in the document

     for(var i=0;i&lt;divs.length;i++){

          // make collection with &lt;div&gt; elements with class attribute &#39;container&#39;

          if(new RegExp(&quot;\\b&quot; + classname + &quot;\\b&quot;).test(divs[i].className)){



                // determine height for &lt;div&gt; element




                else if(d.style.pixelHeight){



                // calculate maximum height




     // assign maximum height value to all of container &lt;div&gt; elements

     for(var i=0;i&lt;contDivs.length;i++){

          contDivs[i].style.height=maxHeight + &quot;px&quot;;



// Runs the script when page loads



          matchColumns(&#39;crosscol&#39;); // class=column       

          matchColumns(&#39;column&#39;); // class=maincolumn   




&lt;!-- Equal Columns JavaScript End --&gt;

Once you have pasted this section of code in your template, proceed to save it. If for some reason you have made any errors when pasting the code, you will receive an error message and be unable to save.

Now to make sections of your Blogger layout have equal heights, we need to apply the class of "column" to those sections in the actual template code. I will offer two variations of how this can be achieved in this tutorial: making the sidebar and main-wrapper equal height, and making all posts equal height (for use when making posts appear side-by-side).

Make the sidebar(s) and main posts column of equal length

This method works best for layouts including at least one colored sidebar (whether this feature a background color or background images for effect). There are many different non-standard templates using this style of layout, so it's likely that the identifiers of the divisions referenced here could be different in your own template.

To make the sidebar(s) and main column of equal length, you will need to add the class of "column" to these divisions in the template.

For the main-wrapper (the section which holds your blog posts) you should look for a line like this in your template:

<div id='main-wrapper'>

Add the code highlighted in red to this line:

<div id='main-wrapper' class='column'>

If you cannot find <div id='main-wrapper'> in your template, this may be called 'main-wrap' or 'main-section' instead. Use your discretion to find the appropriate code tag; you can always change things later!

Next, you need to add the class of column to your sidebar or sidebars. If your template features more than one sidebar, this could become a little complicated though I will do my best to explain!

Most Blogger templates identify the sidebar-wrapper like this:

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>

If you find this in your template code, simply add the section in red:

<div id='sidebar-wrapper' class='column'>

The main sidebar could also be called 'sidebar-wrap', 'left-sidebar' or even 'left-bar' depending on the template you are working with. Again, use your discretion and add class='column' in the place you think most appropriate for your template.

This also applies in templates where you have a second sidebar. It may be named <div id='sidebar-right'> ; 'right-sidebar-wrapper', 'new-sidebar-wrapper' or something entirely different. Simply add class='column' inside the division tag which you think references the correct section in your template.

Now to check if your modifications have been successful, attempt to preview your template. Since the JavaScript we are using is contained within the template (not referenced from an external host) you should be able to see the difference straight away. This means that your blog sidebar should appear as long as your main posts column.

If all looks well, you can proceed to save your template and enjoy your new matching columns. If your sidebar and main column do not appear at equal heights, clear your edits and begin again being sure to check the placement of the class='column' sections you have added.

To make posts of equal height

This method is particularly useful when using my recently posted customization to display posts side-by-side on non-item pages. Using this method ensures your posts appear in a grid-like fashion with spaces beneath shorter posts so all headings are correctly aligned.

For this example, you will need to ensure you have checked the "Expand widget templates" box on the Edit HTML page, as we will be adding the class of "column" inside the main posts widget.

Firstly, ensure you have added the JavaScript before the closing </head> tag in your Blogger template.

Next, search for the following line of code (or similar):

<div class='post'>

If you cannot find this line, search for the following instead:

<div class='post hentry'>

Or any other division tag which begins with <div class='post

You do not need to add the entire class='column' phrase here as this div already has class attributes. Instead, we simply need to add the class identifier, like this:

<div class='post column'>

or alternatively,

<div class='post hentry column'>  

This is because divisions can have more than one "class" (though they can only have one "id"!).

Once you have added this extra class to the posts section, preview your template to see that your blog posts are now all of equal height.

Important information when making posts of equal height

If you choose to make your posts of equal height, you must consider that all of your posts will appear as long as your longest post. So if you have one particularly long post on your home-page when all others are relatively short, there will be long gaps beneath all of your shortened posts!

Other uses for the matching columns script

You can also adapt this script and methods to add columns of equal height to your blog footer (in conjunction with my three column footer hack, perhaps!), or to any other areas of your blog template which you would like to be of matching heights.

Simply apply the class of "column" to all divisions which you would like to appear at the same height, and ensure you have pasted the JavaScript before the closing </head> tag in your Blogger template!

Your thoughts?

I hope you have found this tutorial to be a useful addition to the arsenal of Blogger customizations and tutorials posted here on Blogger Buster! Please feel free to leave your comments or let us know how you have used the matching columns script in your own designs by typing your message below.


February 3, 2009 at 8:22 PM
Radith Prawira said...

How to add the Matching Columns function to your Blogger layout
..This is very simple! All you need to do is copy the following section of code and paste this just before the closing [head> tag in your Blogger template ..

To make posts of equal height
..Firstly, ensure you have added the JavaScript before the closing [/head> tag in your Blogger template...

i don't really get it, where should i paste the js script? before the [head> or [/head>, or there's no difference?

February 3, 2009 at 8:39 PM
Radith Prawira said...

about my previous comment, i think it's has no difference wether you put the js script before the [head> or [/head>, i put it before the [head> and it still worked fine with me.. tq so much Amanda! ^^

February 4, 2009 at 7:21 PM
Salman said...

Thank you Amanda,
Its just work nicely in my blog...keep up a good work. I really appreciate it. Now all my sibling happy with the blog.

TQ again.

February 16, 2009 at 8:13 AM +@roCk said...

vry hard cript
my head blank lol

March 8, 2009 at 10:08 AM
Anonymous said...

Doesn't work in IE or in FF. It looks *almost* right in FF, but not quite.

March 21, 2009 at 6:45 AM fitnesswannabe said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you...one for each of my equal-height columns :)

March 21, 2009 at 9:35 PM peenkfrik said...

Thank you so much. 8-)

April 3, 2009 at 9:35 AM aldy said...

thanks alot...nice work.

April 8, 2009 at 4:03 PM babyrocasmama said...

I did the first part with the code and that worked fine, but when I try to do the "class=column", I get this message:

,Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Element type "div" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".

And I am using your Super Custom Template, but I do not have anything that tell me what sidebars are which. This is what is in my HTML:

"div id='main-wrapper' div id='main-wrapper2' div id='main-wrapper3'"


"div id='main-sidebar-wrapper'

div class='snap_noshots' id='sidebar-wrapper'"


"div class='snap_noshots' id='sidebar-wrapper2'
b:section class='sidebar2' id='sidebar-right' preferred='yes'"

I do not know where to post the code. Please help!!!

April 10, 2009 at 9:31 AM Ms Unreliable said...

No matter how many times I run through this, every time I get my two sidebars matching each other but extending well beyond my main body. I can't find any setting that seems to be doing this either...any hints?

April 13, 2009 at 10:59 AM
Anonymous said...

worked like a charm! . . . thanks soooo much!

April 21, 2009 at 12:14 PM Shantharam Shenoy K said...

Dear Amanda,
This worked for me well except it shows only 1 post now when i am having 3 posts to be dispalyed..Does the sript does this or is this an error??
my site is http://oneunitedmanunited.blogspot.com

April 21, 2009 at 12:17 PM Shantharam Shenoy K said...

just checked am not able to even see the comments. will study the code and then add it...

May 5, 2009 at 12:08 PM Jill said...

Hi Amanda, I'm trying to use the equal-height columns in my content/sidebar and the three-column footer. Blogger wants to make the footer columns the same height as the content columns, which as you can guess looks pretty silly. See here: http://jillietest.blogspot.com/

Any ideas for a workaround? I was thinking of creating a class called "column2" or "footercolumn". Would that work?

May 6, 2009 at 3:06 AM ERS said...

hi, amanda!

the code worked out for me. thanks a lot. but is it possible to code it in a way that the columns will follow whichever column is the longest? i only have 1 post in my main page and it's shorter than my sidebars so the sidebars get cut...

just wondering if that's possible... thanks a lot again! hope to hear from you soon.

May 9, 2009 at 7:00 AM @LiYaNNuaR said...

can't do it.. plz help me!

May 9, 2009 at 7:31 AM @LiYaNNuaR said...

thanks... lastly... i can do it!

May 10, 2009 at 3:18 PM Nabeel said...

Thank you so much. I applied it and it works fine.

May 12, 2009 at 12:08 AM thesikaleon said...

Amanda first of all THANKS for your help!!!
You are the best.

I used Spiffy Corners following your instructions here http://www.bloggerbuster.com/2008/03/how-to-add-css-rounded-corners-to-your.html
But unfortunately the script here has no result for equal column height.

I can see the result for equal column height just in case I don't use Spiffy Corners.

Any way to make them work together?
this is my blog http://greekschat.net

thanks again and sorry for my pooor English

May 20, 2009 at 10:30 PM search engine placement said...

These tips are wonderful. You just gave me a reason to stick with blogger. ^%^

May 27, 2009 at 6:30 PM Ben said...

Hey Amanda,

I have my posts side by side, but I'd like to cut down on the white space - is there a way I can make post appear end-to-end, instead of lined up together.

If you visit my site www.benspictureoftheday.com you'll see what I'm getting at! The first two are great, but I'm trying to get the rest bunched up regardless of their size.



May 28, 2009 at 10:16 AM Jennifer Williams "Blueskysunburn" said...

I'm having the same issue with IE. Is there a solution?

May 30, 2009 at 5:58 PM cmongood said...

My blog only shows 2 posts when it should be displaying ten!!!

June 16, 2009 at 11:39 PM technary said...

Thank you for the tip regarding making columns of equal height. I have successfully used it in my blogs after making some changes that my template (Sand Dollar) required. Noting them here for the larger audience.
(Note: These changes might not apply to atemplate that you use)

1> In my case adding class attribute (class='column') to 'main-wrapper' and 'sidebar-wrapper' did not work.
2> I had to add the class attribute (class='column') to the 'b:section' tags inside 'main-wrapper' and 'sidebar-wrapper' respectively.
3> Since there were already existing class attributes for those, I had to append the value "column" to them. The two section tags looked like below:
<b:section class='sidebar column' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
<b:section class='main column' id='main' showaddelement='no'>

After this change, everything worked perfectly.

June 19, 2009 at 7:26 AM
Anonymous said...

Thanks heaps for that tip on matching the column heights. Worked like a charm !

June 25, 2009 at 1:13 AM Ronboe said...

I think this is a great tutorial. Trying to learn this as a springboard to my personal website. Thank You.

July 13, 2009 at 4:20 PM
Marcel said...

Finally solved the IE javascript error.

It works now in FF and IE by using the code below.

Make sure you translate all special coding into HTML code like the original script on this article, otherwise blogger won't accept your code.

<script type='text/javascript'>

var divs,contDivs,maxHeight,divHeight,d;

// get all <div> elements in the document



// initialize maximum height value


// iterate over all <div> elements in the document

for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++){

// make collection with <div> elements with class attribute 'container'




// determine height for <div> element




else if(d.style.pixelHeight){



// calculate maximum height




// assign maximum height value to all of container <div> elements

for(var j=0;j<contDivs.length;j++){

contDivs[j].style.height=maxHeight + "px";


// Run when page loads

if(document.getElementById && document.createTextNode)

July 23, 2009 at 1:27 PM Gareth Williams said...

Think this is a great hack, but as I am using the 3 section footer too, that is picking up the heigh of the main posts column and applying it there too, any ideas?


July 24, 2009 at 12:35 AM i-girlsonly said...

i will try ! thanks your share .

July 24, 2009 at 10:39 PM Anja Atkinson said...

Thanks for this it works great. Have come back here for other things also and always find it very helpful. Much appreciated.

August 4, 2009 at 12:23 PM
Ash said...

Hey Amanda, thanx ur tips n hacks have always been helpful for me. This is too a great hack. It works fine for me on the main page. However the individual post pages do not display columns of equal height. Plz help me with this...thanx n regards. Here's an example in case u want to see : http://sunilbarveblog.blogspot.com/2009/08/asambhav.html

August 8, 2009 at 12:57 PM thesikaleon said...

I have used spiffycorners to make rounded corners according to your guide here http://www.bloggerbuster.com/2008/03/how-to-add-css-rounded-corners-to-your.html
Now I can't make the equal height columns script to work,because of the spiffy

Any idea to make the rounded corners of spiffy and equal height colums to work together?

August 14, 2009 at 6:25 AM Sonchey said...

been looking for this for a while...thanks very very much

September 2, 2009 at 6:39 PM babyrocasmama said...

I left a comment regarding this not working for me months ago and never received any kind of reply (either by email or a comment on this post). Now that I am using a different template, I thought I could get this to work, but sadly, I am having the same result as before.

I am using the Professional Template from ourblogtemplates.com.

Could you please comment here and let all of us poor souls who want to use this hack know what we have done wrong? I realize you are busy, but it really doesn't help to have a tutorial if the people having problems can never get a response, now does it?

September 3, 2009 at 6:28 AM jor.G3/cantos said...

*thanks for your outstanding blog,
it.s extremely helpful!

September 5, 2009 at 5:34 AM jor.G3/cantos said...

...i did as you explained and it worked but only for the right column. the other one stayed the same. right by the main wrapper and the sidebar wrapper [both of them have now the class=column text] i found this something like:
div id=left sidebar wrapper
[blogger doesn.t let me paste the exact text here...]

i.m guessing i should write the class=column text there too, but i.m not being able to do it right...
can you help????

September 5, 2009 at 5:36 AM jor.G3/cantos said...

ohh, ohh1 nevermind man, i made it.
thanks anyway ,: ]

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