0 Poll Results: What readers enjoy most from Blogger Buster
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 /

Two weeks ago, I asked Blogger Buster readers to vote for their favorite type of content through an interactive poll.

Overwhelmingly, it seems my posts about customizing Blogger templates are the most popular: this option received 39% of the overall votes (more than double the percentage who voted for Blogger Template downloads!).

Here are the poll results in full:

I'm happy to have conducted this poll as I now realize that my "how-to" style articles are among the most popular and requested from readers as a whole. I was surprised to see that none of the options I'd posted received a huge minority though. Hopefully this means all of the post types I publish here are useful for your needs and interests?

Other suggestions

On the original poll page, some of you suggested other ideas for post content. In particular, Alan suggested a regular "Question and Answer" post (which was seconded by many others in the comments for this post). Thank you Alan, I think this is an excellent idea!

Due to the amount of email I receive, it has become increasingly difficult for me to answer all questions sent by email; using a Q&A feature would enable me to answer some Blogger related questions in a way all readers may benefit from, as my answers will be published on the site.

I plan on posting this Blogger Q&A feature each Monday (beginning next week) so if you have a question about your Blogger blog which you'd like me to answer in Monday's post, please leave me a comment with your question and blog URL below this post. I can't guarantee to answer every question, and will instead focus on the questions which are of the greatest interest to you all.

Another redesign for Blogger Buster..?

In recent weeks, I've received constructive feedback to suggest how the design of this site may be improved. Currently, my templates makes heavy use of scripts and images; these slow down page loading time, and can make reading articles difficult for those browsing with images disabled.

Reader experience of Blogger Buster is of great importance to me. While I do love the current design, I have begun designing a new and improved template which I hope will be much more beneficial to you all.

I'm also considering adding a forum to Blogger Buster, which I feel would add a greater sense of community and interaction to the site. Would you like to see a forum added to the site?

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll, and also to those who offered feedback via comments and email. I truly appreciate all feedback and suggestions for how Blogger Buster may be improved, so don't be shy: tell me what you think!

Don't forget to ask your Blogger related questions for Monday's Q&A post by leaving your comments below.


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