1 Inline comments are available for Blogger blogs!

I'm thrilled to tell you that the Blogger team have enabled a comment form below the post - Wordpress style! This is probably the feature we ALL wanted added to the Blogger service, so many thanks go out to the Blogger team for enabling this service for us.

The inline comment form is currently available through Blogger in Draft. To activate this, go to Settings>Comments in your Blogger dashboard and scroll down to "Comment form placement" where you can check the radio setting for "Embedded below post".

There is only one problem with this at the moment: those of us who have customized our templates cannot currently use this feature. This is because our templates do not contain the code required to display the comment form. If you use a default template, your comment form should automatically appear below your post once you have changed the comment settings in your blog.

I will post about this in full detail in the next couple of hours with instructions for those who have modified their templates. Update: I have now posted full details for adding comment form functionality to your customized Blogger template, and you can also see this in action beneath this (and every) post on Blogger Buster.


February 13, 2009 at 7:18 AM Olivia said...

Hi Amanda,
I have been able to get the "Post a comment" form to appear under the comments, but I have been trying to get all comments to show up directly beneath my post, instead of having a link beneath my post that says "# comments" that you have to click on in order to see the comments. I would love to be able to see the comments below my post, lik you do here on your blog and many other blogs I have seen, without having to click on anything first. Hope that makes sense, I am not very advanced with all this :)

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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