0 Coming soon to Blogger Buster...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 /

Over the next few weeks I have some great posts planned for Blogger Buster. Shortly I'll be adding a new widget to the sidebar to offer a little hint at what these will be about, and in this post I'd like to update you on some forthcoming changes to the site.

I'm really glad to see that many of you have suggested or voted for posts in the Skribit widget (take a look at the bottom right of the sidebars if you haven't already participated).

So far, the most popular suggestions have been:

  • How to highlight author comments

  • How to use Intense Debate Comments for Blogger

  • How to add a section after each post that shows who has linked to your blog/that post.

I'm already working on the Intense Debate post (just finalizing any troubleshooting issues) and will work on the other two as soon as this is published.

Other "feature posts" which are still in draft are:

  • The 50 most popular Blogger powered blogs

  • Another 50 (or so) excellent Blogger XML templates

  • Yet more unique and inspiring Blogger designs (I have about 40 so far, but I'm still researching!)

Of course, I'll probably change the titles before publishing, but I hope this will give you an idea of what to expect soon!

Blogger Buster Birthday Celebrations

It's been almost a year since Blogger Buster was created (and I've enjoyed every minute of this year of blogging!) so in honor of the occasion I'm planning a bit of a birthday bash for this blog.

Starting from the beginning of June, I plan to post a few special articles, and also have a competition or two.

More on that coming soon!

Replying to your emails and comments

As some of you may have noticed, last week I was a little bogged down trying to keep up with the number of emails and comments received.

While I've always tried to respond personally to everyone who has taken the time to send an email or comment on my posts, it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep a good balance between correspondence and writing blog posts (especially as I'm also a full-time mum!).

So if you have emailed or commented recently without a reply, please don't feel offended. I will get back to you as soon as I can. I will also soon post an FAQ to try and answer some of the most commonly asked questions, which will help you all find answers more quickly and lighten my inbox a little!

Tell me what you would like to read!

I hope you will all enjoy the posts I'm planning for these coming weeks, but if you have any suggestions for future posts, don't forget to suggest these using the Skribit widget in the sidebar!

As always, your comments and suggestions are warmly welcomed, so please feel free to leave a comment below.


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