0 Weekly Review #10
Monday, March 17, 2008 /

Aside from a few minor tweaks, the redesign for this site is now complete. If you do notice anything amiss (or feel that something should be improved) please let me know by sending an email or leaving a comment here.

This week, I would like to ask for your input for future articles and templates. I also have news of a new Blogger feature (which will be particularly relevant for new bloggers) and some excellent links to share with you.

Blogger Buster News (and opinions needed!)

This week a few things have happened around this blog which I'm very happy to announce:

Now in the Top 3000 blogs on Technorati!

I was thrilled to notice that Blogger Buster is currently ranked 2910 in the list of popular blogs! It doesn't seem that long ago when this site was in the top 4000. Thank you to everyone who has linked to Blogger Buster in their blogs! I hope this site continues to grow and would love to eventually announce that we've broken into the top 1000...

Blogger Buster featured in...

This week, the Blogger Buster design has been featured in several web design galleries this week including CSS Hive, CSS Mania and CSS Design Yorkshire. I am rather fond of this new design, and it's great to see this showcased among the wonderful web designs which are featured in these galleries.

In the near future, Blogger Buster may also feature in a magazine. I'll post the details of this when the issue is confirmed...

Your Opinions Needed

I would love to have your opinions and input for some projects I'm currently working on.

Firstly, I'd love some suggestions about the style of templates you would most like to download.

I do have a magazine style template in progress, which will be released later this week, though I would prefer to develop a range of different templates to suit your varying tastes. If you have any suggestions, or would like me to consider creating a particular design, please leave a comment to let me know or send me an email if you prefer. I will try to design templates around the most popular suggestions, and will try to offer new templates much more regularly from now on!

Secondly, I am looking for inspirational Blogger powered designs for an article I hope to publish later this week. So if you have developed a great unique design for your own Blogger blog (or would like to recommend someone who has), I'd love to hear from you!

Blogger News

Blogger wins the Best Application for Weblogs Award!

The Bloggies award for "Best application for Weblogs" saw some stiff competition for Blogger, including Flickr, Wordpress and YouTube. But needless to say, Blogger pulled through to win best in category for this award!

The Blogger Help YouTube Channel

Blogger have created a channel on YouTube specifically for those seeking help configuring their Blogger blogs! So far, there are only three videos available to watch, though I was rather intrigued to see this one, which shows how to set up your Blogger Custom domain.

To see more of these useful videos, pop on over to the Blogger Help Channel on YouTube.

This Week's Links

Here are some of the most interesting sites I've found this week:

  • Feed Analysis Tool (by Blog Perfume): I really love this tool, which offers detailed statistics about your Feedburner feed. Including page views, estimates for future performance and even approximate values for your blog, this really is worth checking out!

  • Skellie's Free eBook - The Simple Web: If you've read Skellie's posts before, you'll already understand what a great writer she is, and this eBook really is worth taking the time to read!

  • Blogger and Podcaster Magazine: This is the first magazine I've come across which specializes in blogs (and podcasting). You can subscribe to the digital edition for free, and can also advertise in the classifieds section to offer better visibility for your blog.

  • 7 Ways to make your blog stickier (Matt Harzewski guest posting for Problogger): This insightful post offers tips to help keep readers on your site for longer, and ensure they come back for more!

I hope you have enjoyed this week's review! Please do let me know if you come across any important news about Blogger, or if you find a useful site which you would like me to post about in next week's review.

Also, I would love to know your opinions about future template designs; don't forget to leave me a comment if there's anything particular you'd like to see designed in the near future!


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