3 The Ultimate Blogger Template Resource List
Sunday, March 30, 2008 /

Searching for Blogger template providers and designers can be a time consuming task. Through my research for various articles posted here, I have discovered many providers of free and custom made Blogger templates which I have listed below by category:

  • Free XML Blogger Template Providers and Directories

  • Classic Blogger Template Providers

  • Professional Blog Template Designers who cater for the Blogger platform

Where possible, I have also linked to the feed for these sites to help you be updated of new templates as they become available.

I hope this resource list will be useful for you too!

Free XML Blogger Template Providers and Directories

In this section you will find links to sites which provide (or collate) free Blogger XML based layouts.


This is the ultimate directory of Blogger XML templates. At the time of writing this post, BTemplates features over 200 free Blogger XML layouts for free download, contributed by many different designers from the Blogger community.

Templates are organized by theme, style and also by tags which makes it very easy to search for the style of template you prefer.

Visit BTemplates | Subscribe to BTemplates

Blogger Templates

One of the oldest and best known Blogger template resources, which also features useful customization articles for Blogger.

Templates are organized by category, and there is also a search funtion to help narrow down your preferences.

Visit Blogger Templates | Subscribe to Blogger Templates

Blog and Web

Blog and Web provide an excellent array of Blogger templates which have been converted from popular Wordpress designs.

This site is written in Spanish, though you can easily translate the page you are reading using Babelfish Translator if you need to.

Visit Blog and Web | Subscribe to Blog and Web

Zona Cerebral

Zona Cerebral features some of the most beautiful free Blogger templates I have ever seen. This site is also written in Spanish and can be translated quickly using Altavista's Babelfish translator if necessary.

Visit Zona Cerebral | Subscribe to Zona Cerebral


Jackbook provides a range of Blogger templates which have been converted from existing Wordpress templates.

Visit Jackbook | Subscribe to Jackbook

Blog Crowds

A wide variety of well-designed Blogger XML templates are available on this useful blog resource site.

Visit Blogcrowds

Final Sense

Final Sense probably has the largest collection of Blogger templates available.

Visit Final Sense

K2 Modify

Some excellent designs to be found on this Blogger hosted resource site. The template used by K2 Modify is available for download, which is probably one of the best this site has to offer.

Visit K2 Modify | Subscribe to K2 Modify

Suck My Lolly

Some beautiful, quirky and feminine designs to be found on this site. Many include customizable header images so you can add your own blog title to the design.

Visit Suck My Lolly | Subscribe to Suck My Lolly

Gisele Jaquenod

Gisele's designs are beautiful, feminine and unique!

Visit Gisele Jaquenod's Blogger Templates page


GosuBlogger converts and creates Blogger XML templates. Be sure to visit to see some truly unique designs.

Visit GosuBlogger | Subscribe to GosuBlogger


Annie has created some beautiful Blogger templates for free download. Here you will also find some very useful articles about blogging with Google Blogger.

Visit BlogU | Subscribe to BlogU

Free Blogger Skins

A collection of free Blogger XML skins which are easily viewable on the home page.

Visit Free Blogger Skins | Subscribe to Free Blogger Skins

Fresh Blogger Templates

A great selection of Wordpress conversions, many of which can be seen on the front page.

Visit Fresh Blogger Templates | Subscribe to Fresh Blogger Templates

e-Blog Templates

A directory with over 130 free Blogger templates available to download.

Visit e-Blog Templates

Gecko and Fly

Fans of Gecko and Fly's Classic Blogger templates have converted these to XML format which you can download from this site.

Visit Gecko and Fly's Blogger XML Templates Page

Our Blogger Templates

A range of Blogger XML templates in different colors and styles (formerly Dzelque.blogspot.com)

Visit Our Blog Templates | Subscribe to Our Blog Templates

Free XML Blogger Templates

This site features both original and Wordpress conversions for Blogger XML users. Updated regularly with new templates being uploaded often.

Visit Free XML Blogger Templates | Subscribe to Free XML Blogger Templates

Classic Blogger Templates

In this section, you will find links to free Classic Blogger templates which you can download for free.


There are some exceptional classic templates on this site, including many Ajax-driven designs with extra functionality.

Visit BloggerTemplates.org

Template Panic

A wide selection of classic Blogger templates available on this colorful resource site.

Visit Template Panic

Templates for Blogger

Here you will find some classy and professional designs for classic Blogger templates

Visit Templates for Blogger | Subscribe to Templates for Blogger

Blogspot Templates

Loads of free classic templates available here. You can download and view many of these from the home page.

Visit Blogspot Templates | Subscribe to Blogspot Templates

Carl Galloway

This site features some well designed classic templates (plus a small selection for XML users too).

Visit Carl Galloway's Blogger Templates page


Here you will find an excellent selection of classic template designs. All templates are listed in the sidebar, and there are some true gems to be found on this site!

Visit Isnaini.com

Blogger Templates by Caz

If you're looking for beautiful, feminine classic Blogger templates, this site is a must!

Visit Blogger Templates by Caz | Subscribe to Caz's Blog

Blogspot Templates (A Collection)

Here are some rather unusual and striking classic templates for free download.

Visit Blogspot Templates | Subscribe to Blogspot Templates


Another collection of unique and inspiring designs.

Visit Noipo's Classic Blogger Templates Page


There is a huge selection of user-submitted classic templates for Blogger on this site. You will need to search through to find your ideal template though!

Visit Blogskins

Blogger Template Designers

If you're looking for a unique Blogger template design, you can hire the services of a template designer. Here are links to designers who cater for Blogger bloggers. Fees will vary between designers and the complexity of the design you require.

Blogs Gone Wild

This is probably the most popular site for custom designed Blogger templates. You can see many examples of Se7en's work in the portfolio section and prices start at $65 for a simple, two column design.

Visit Blogs Gone Wild

Everyday Design

Everyday Design is a favorite among women Bloggers. Everyday Mommy's designs are simple, striking and easy to navigate.

Visit Everyday Design

Lunastone Designs

Lunastone has produced some awesome Blogger powered designs which you can view in the portfolio section. Prices start from $50 for a Blogger design, though only classic Blogger templates are available.

Visit Lunastone Designs

Chic & Sassy Designs

As the title suggests, this designer creates feminine and sassy designs especially for Blogger bloggers. Unique custom designed templates are available to order, and you can also choose from pre-made designs.

Visit Chic & Sassy Designs


Judith specializes in eye-catching designs which reflect the personality and voice of the personal blogger. She does have rather a long waiting list (which exemplifies the quality of her design work).

Visit JudithShakes

Gisele Jaquenod

Gisele offers custom designs for Blogger and Wordpress as well as her free Blogger templates.

Visit Gisele's Website


The professional designers of Ewebscapes can offer you a wholly unique and very well-designed template for your Blogger hosted blog.

Visit Ewebscapes

More to add?

If you host a directory of Blogger templates, or are a professional designer who can cater to Blogger users, please drop me a line and I will add your site to this list.

I hope you have found this to be a useful resource for all your template needs. If you have enjoyed this post, please subscribe to the full text feed to receive new articles, resources and Blogger news.


February 2, 2009 at 11:15 PM greatbloggingtips said...

Wow thanks for the useful post!
I was searching whole day for templates...

July 26, 2009 at 9:42 PM Download Blogger Template said...

Great.. very usefull for me !!
thanks Amanda, but really sad my blog nothing on list !!

August 11, 2009 at 11:59 PM Bhavika said...

An updated resource for free blogger templates is http://www.bloggerblogtemplates.com/

Many sites in the above list, dont have any new blogger templates for a long time. Would be great if you can update this list :)

Thanks and Regards

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