1 Easily redirect readers to your Blogger custom domain!
Friday, November 9, 2007 /

It used to be awkward to set up your Blogger custom domain to ensure that both the WWW and non-WWW versions of your URL pointed to your Blogger hosted blog. Now Blogger have introduced a great new feature: automatically redirect visitors from http://yourblog.com to http://www.yourblog.com! No more fiddling with the CNAME and A records in your domain's DNS settings as Blogger will now do the hard work for you!

Thanks to Mike I have just learned about this great new feature, which cuts out the need for manual redirection once you have initially set up your custom domain with Blogger.

Now, after setting up the DNS settings in your domain control panel, and registering your new URL with Blogger (see this post for full information), all you have to do is go to Settings>Publishing in your Blogger dashboard, and tick the box which is highlighted on the image below:

This setting ensures a flawless redirection from your non-WWW to your WWW blog URL, and most importantly, you will lose no visitors who accidentally key in your blog's URL without the WWW prefix.

If you currently make use of any free hosting provided by your domain agent, be sure that this redirection will not affect any existing files which are hosted in the root folder of your hosting account, as this redirection may make them inaccessible to you. For this reason, I won't be using this new feature myself, though I am very happy that Blogger have finally resolved this issue for bloggers who have little experience in setting up domains.

Now all we need is for Blogger to actually set up the custom domain for us, without the need to do this ourselves in the DNS settings...

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April 16, 2009 at 1:54 PM BLOGGERUSER said...

Hi amanda,
this post is pretty old but i think you shall still reply to my query.
I have bought my domain name from godaddy and have setup everything properly. I have also used (checked the box) this feature of redirecting in my blogger settings.
Now the problem is that when i just use this address http://bloggeruser.com the page is not redirected , it rather opens godaddy page.
Can you please help me how to solve this issue ?
Thank you.

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