0 Why the new Blogger Buster site will be a much better resource for Bloggers!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 /

A few readers have asked me when the new Blogger Buster template will be uploaded, and what features the new site will have. So I thought it was about time I explained more about the new Blogger Buster site, and why it's taking so long to get it all ready!

A better Blogger resource!

While I strive to feature posts and resources which are of benefit to all my readers, I feel that the current template is lacking in clear navigation. So, I am currently redesigning the whole site to ensure that you can easily find the posts, tools and templates you need. When the work is complete, you'll find all of my blog posts, tools and templates are part of the same site, with clear navigation and improved search functionality too!

What the new site will look like

Here is a small screenshot of the new site template for you (click the image for a larger version).

When complete, you'll find the whole site will have this same theme making it easy for you to get from one area to another using the navigation tabs near the top of the page.

Overall, I've tried to give this new template a "Web 2.0" theme, which will make the whole blog more interesting, informative and easier to read.

Here are some of the main features I have brought into this new site design:

  • A single wide sidebar, to help pages load more quickly and better distinguish content.

  • A wider posts column

  • Navigation tabs, to enable you to easily find the resources you need.

  • A distinguishing logo for Blogger Buster.

  • Better use of the space in the footer section.

  • Easier subscription methods.

  • An improved posts layout.

Of course, there are many more changes than I can describe in a brief list. Once the new site is ready, I will post in detail about these changes so be sure to visit again soon to find out more!

So... What's taking so lone to get this online?

Okay, I know it's taking too long to make these site improvements, though I assure you that it will be well worth the wait! I have had a few complications in constructing this new template due to the extreme changes in the template layout, and the use of Ajax javascripts (which I have only recently begun to learn about). I can safely say now that most of the major work is complete, and only minor alterations are needed now. I will also be creating some new pages (and rewriting some old ones) which will help you have a better experience of using the site.

When will the new site be ready?

I hope to have completed everything by the weekend, at which point Blogger Buster will be in "Beta". This means that while most of the site is working correctly, there may still be areas which require further tweaks to make them better. Also during this time I will be making changes to some existing pages, and ensuring links all operate correctly within the template.

The "Beta" format is in preference to making the site inaccessible for a few days. All of the existing posts will still be here, and the changes will happen seamlessly without interruption to your experience of the site.

I cannot say a definite day or time at present for the availability of the new site, but I will of course post a message to let you all know!

Your input is always appreciated!

As always, I do appreciate it when you offer your opinions and comments about your experience of this site. In redesigning this site, I have taken opinions already offered into account and will continue to do so while ever you all give me your opinions!

Is there any particular thing you would like to see improved? Any information you see lacking in this site? Is so, please leave your comments below and feel free to email me about anything to do with this site. I look forward to reading your comments, and strive to cater to the needs of my readers.

To hear more about these changes as they happen, please subscribe to Blogger Buster using one of the subscription methods in the right hand sidebar.


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