0 PageRank for Blogger Buster (Finally!)
Monday, October 29, 2007 /

Powered by  MyPagerank.NetIt seems that Google have finally updated PageRank, and I'm so happy to say that Blogger Buster now has a PageRank of 4! After my frustrations of having a zero rank for so many months this is such good news for me, and even more than I could have hoped for considering my site is still rather young.

Unfortunately though, it seems my happiness isn't shared by everyone. Last week, Blog Bloke reported strange goings-on with Google's PageRank system when his blog's ranking suddenly plummeted, then started to gradually increase. By the looks of things, a few of the major bloggers have noticed a drastic change in their PageRank, as can be read in Andy Beard's take on this.

As always, the secret to PageRank success is a closely guarded secret, so no-one really knows why certain sites have been "penalized" while others have gained from this recent change.

Rumors report that Google are updating the PageRank system, punishing those who use paid links, spam and generally bad content. But:

  • It has taken MONTHS for this latest PageRank update, which has punished new sites by only offering a PR of zero or "n/a" until this week!

  • Established and valued sites now have a reduced PageRank!

  • There is no consistency, or even an explanation from Google about what is now considered "bad" for PR status!

Where is the fairness in this, Google?

More and more people are becoming disillusioned by Google, and there is decreasing incentive for us to play by the rules. Yet when many services rely on a site's PR to determine their value, and when visitors use PR to decide if a blog is worth reading, is there a viable alternative?

Please do let me know how the recent PageRank changes have affected your own sites by leaving your comments and opinions below.

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