0 I think Blogger Buster needs a makeover...
Saturday, September 15, 2007 /

Despite my recent changes to the Blogger Buster site, I'm still unhappy with the overall look and feel of this blog. It takes ages to load, it isn't quite as easy as I'd like to find relevent information, and let's be honest: the overall look isn't anywhere near as eye-catching as most of the templates I design!

So I'm planning a bit of an overhaul...

Personally I think these are the main problems with this existing template:

  • It takes too long to load.

  • Navigation is a little awkward.

  • There is too much excess content in the sidebars.

  • And let's be honest: this template isn't nearly so eye-catching as most of the templates I design!
So, in answer to these problems, I plan to design a whole new look for Blogger Buster, including a more definitive logo, a "Web 2.0" style theme, easier navigation, no unnecessary distractions, and much faster loading times.

Sound good?

As always your opinions matter to me, so I would appreciate any suggestions or comments to help me design a better blog which will benefit you; after all, this blog exists for the benefit of it's readers!

One last thing: for the next fortnight or so while I redesign the site, I won't be available quite as much to help you all with your blogs. So please understand if I don't respond to your comments and emails as fast as I usually do! Once the new designs are set up, everything will be back to normal, and you'll probably see an influx of new templates and tutorials available based on what I've learned in the redesign process. Please bear with me during this time, and I promise the end result will be worth the wait!

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