0 Site Changes (Sticky Post)
Saturday, August 18, 2007 /

During the next few days, I'll be making a few changes to the site to you find the information you need more easily. This post will be updated with new information as changes are made. So far, the following changes have been made:

  • Slight changes to template: the left sidebar is slightly wider (to accommodate the "headlines" widget more effectively); the right sidebar is slightly smaller; some alterations to margins, etc. I've checked the adjustments in both IE and Firefox in which everything seems to look okay. If you are using a different browser and feel the template looks odd or operates incorrectly, please email me to let me know about this.

  • New "Headlines" box added to left sidebar. This one features a summary of my latest blog posts and links directly to their respective post pages on site. The scroller pauses when you hover your cursor over it to enable to you read/click. You can also Digg, add to Del.icio.us, email the post etc from within the headlines widget! For more information about my new widget, take a look at this post.

  • "Template" label now includes all posts relating to Blogger template downloads. All posts previously filed under this label are now labeled "Template Mods". This is to better distinguish between posts about modifications, and actual Blogger templates.

  • "Template" link in the header now takes you to the "Blogger Template Downloads" page, which lists all Blogger templates I have created with links to the individual posts.

I hope this doesn't disrupt your enjoyment of the site! These modifications are intended to help you find relevent information more easily, and to eliminate confusion about which posts relate to which subject! Please do let me know if you feel I should make further changes to the site by commenting here or sending me an email.


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