Here's a screenshot for you:

I've also modified the template so that you can easily add elements to the header and main area in layouts, for example, to create your custom header design, or add a description to the top of your blog.
To download, right click the link below and choose "save as". To upload to your Blogger blog, go to Template>Edit HTML and look for the section near the top which says "Upload a template from your hard drive". Browse for the template and click upload. Then you can view your blog to see the changes.>
Download "Amanda 3 column template" here.
If you use this template, I would be grateful if you would link back to Blogger Buster somewhere in your blog.
Feel free to leave your comments and opinions below.
I can't download it either
I love this template look. too bad it's a dead link.
I'm too late :(
GOT IT!!!!!! Do "save target as"
Hiya, guys, and thanks Amanda.
You have to RIGHT click it to download.
Click on save link as in firefox and in IE... I dunno how, but I do know one thing, move to firefox!!!
Nice template. I'm going to forward the link to my wife now.
This is a girly theme.. ill use it in my site... thanks :)
can not download the template!
hi amanda,
what part of the html do i need to remove to take out the two squares and the flower so that my new header would fit nicely to the frame
Hello Amanda,
I've downloaded and used this beautiful pink layout back at my site.
Thank you so much.
Hello Amanda,
Is there anyway I can replace the flower box on the left and put my logo there instead, sorry if you've answered this already and I didn't see it
I'm using your template there are a couple things I would like to change to make it more personal to me, if you could help please. I would like to change the small box on the left in the header with the flower in it to my own icon, can you tell me how to change that?
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