An easy way for readers of your blog to bookmark pages is to add social bookmark buttons to the end of every post. My posts feature "Add-This" buttons at the end of each post, which readers can use to bookmark the post page using their favorite social bookmarking service (eg:, Google Bookmarks, Technorati). Give it a try, it opens up a new window so you can easily get back to this page and read how to include this feature in your posts. Here's how to add social bookmark buttons to the end of each post: Visit the Add-This widget building page. Select the "Bookmarking widget". Choose the style of button you prefer, and that you want the widget to appear on a Blogger blog (the code is slightly different depending on the type of website it features on). If you want stats of bookmarks made with your button, you'll need to create an account. This isn't nescessary to create and use the buttons, so it's up to you. You'll be presented with the code to paste into your blog template. If you're using New Blogger (layouts), you'll need to do the following: For Bloggers who use Classic Templates, use this method instead: There are other social bookmarking widgets available for Bloggers, such as TopRanking's social bookmarks button. Personally, I prefer the Add-This option as it streamlines the image required and gives readers the option to use any bookmarking service they want. Technorati Tags: social+bookmark blog buttons widgets add+this
Add social bookmark buttons to your Blogger posts
Friday, June 29, 2007 /
Filed Under:
Customize your Blogger Template
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Customize your Blogger Template
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I've added this now,
Tks fr the worked well
thank you so much for sharing this. really helped me!!!
again, thanks
maxi of
hi again
thx for this hack
i need it and this is realy helped me!!
social bookmarking is useless and cannot be of any use in blogging or in any websites.
i started finding the line '<div class='post-footer'>>' in my blog blog it was not found, I have checked the 'expand the widget' check box also. So i have added the line by myself and pasted the remaining code in the html. But i ended up with an error stating.
"Invalid data reference post.url: No dictionary named: 'post' in: ['blog']"
Could u please fix this error.....
Can you tell me how to add iZeby bookmarks to my page?
Thank you so much, it's really helpful, thank you again!!
In your iZeby profile you will see options at the bottom for ways to add iZeby. Also, you could always visit the iZeby blog to get help with customization. Hope that helps :)
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Thanks a lot! With your tips I could save a lot of time :)
Muito obrigado! Eu estava procurando por isso a muito tempo. Muito obrigado mesmo! ^^
Thanks! I was searching for it a lot of times! Thanks a lot!
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